How Long Does it Take to Paint the Interior of a House in Sinking Spring, PA?

When seeking to hire a professional painting service, one of the most common questions is how long will it take to paint my home? Unfortunately, there are no straightforward answers. There are a number of elements to painting a home which can have varying results. When hiring a painting service, most contractors will come to the home and provide an estimate of the cost and timeline after consulting the client about the details of the project. However, Bill Engler Painting will share what determining factors play a role on the project’s total timeline. The average home can take between 3 to 4 days to paint. This includes painting the entire home’s walls, trim, doors and other features. However, the size of the crew also plays a role on how fast a home can be painted. When large scale project is requested, the painting service will form a large crew for the project to keep within a reasonable timeline. There are many factors that can determine how fast a home can be painted.

New Renovation or Construction

One situation that may require more time is new renovation or newly constructed homes. Walls, ceilings and trim that never been painted often take more time. This is because the walls are dry. When painting new walls, ceilings, and in some cases the trim, they will need a quality primer first. Once the primer is properly applied and dry, then the crew can begin painting. It comes as no surprise that dry walls or ceilings may require three coats of paint. However, with a good primer it may only take two coats of paint. With each needed layer, it takes more time to apply and dry. For home’s with new renovations or those freshly constructed, don’t be surprised that it may take a full week or longer depending on the size of the home.

Surface Repairs

Many painting services will provide drywall repair as well. This is because walls or ceilings often need to be repaired before painting. Some home interiors may require a number of repairs. Drywall repairs may include small to large hole repairs. They need time to be repaired and dried before painting. In some cases, the first day is dedicated to the repairs and prep work. Depending on the repair needs of the home, it may take additional time to complete the project. Again, timeline estimates should include repair time as well. In most cases, only an additional day is needed to repair major holes in ceilings or walls.

Number of Paint Colors

For those who use many colors in their home, it may require slightly more time. It does not often affect the timeline when an enclosed room uses the same paint color. However, when accent colors are used in one room, or open floor plans use different colors to break up each area, this can take more time. When two different colors run into each other, to prevent bleeding the painter will paint one wall to completion and wait for it to dry before starting the new color. To prevent bleeding often tape is used as a protective barrier. Again this can add a little bit more time to the project, however, typically not too much time is needed.

Interior & Exterior Painting & More in Shillington, Muhlenberg, Wyomissing, Sinking Spring, Exeter, Wernersville & Greater Reading, Pennsylvania

If you need your home interior or exterior painted and what to know how long it will take, contact Bill Engler Painting and begin consultation today.

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